I am so bad…

…I haven’t posted anything in almost two months. My last post was May 7th and now we’re almost in July. Sometimes I feel so scattered brain but I’m trying to get my life together. I am finally having my surgery on this coming Tuesday, June 30th. I’ll be off work for a while so hopefully I will be able to post more. It’s not like I will have anything else to really do. I will more than likely read a lot, work on a research project I’ve been trying to finish tweaking forever, watch Netflix and catch up on shows, catch up on my Black&SexyTV webseries (I love that YouTube channel!), and post more on this blog. I am also going to start a project for what I’m having surgery for, so I am planning on starting another blog. Trying to figure out if I want to use WordPress or Tumblr to host it. I’ll figure that out later today. I will post it on here once I have it up, hopefully tomorrow night. I am glad that this surgery is one thing that I am getting out-of-the-way. It has been a burden on my life and it has been holding me back from finishing other things and this issue has affected me. hopefully life will be back to normal in September and I can start a new chapter of my life by January 2016. I know I’ve been gone a long time. I hope that you all are still reading. I have some catching up on y’all blogs to do!